work are left with the connection returns to the basin outlet, a reminder that collector'll receive 6 airlift pumps with 7 entries 110mm for supplying it
To facilitate this work, we used flexible tube and it's great!
les entrées sont connectées
the inputs are connected
we can begin to recap the trench
the amenities of the surrounding area are in progress with the placement of shale plate and Japanese steps
Guess where I live? Sart-Bernard a beautiful small town near Namur in the Condroz
to stabilize above the ground I need a few more rocks
oui j'ai dit petite roches
yes I said small rocks
parts of the drum filter also arrived
Voilà ce n'est pas fini il reste encore beaucoup de travail pour terminer ce bassin, suite au prochain épisode
This is not finished there is still much work to complete this pond, go to next episode
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